lady gaga 所有的歌词(lady gaga 这首歌叫什么)

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lady gaga 所有的歌词

born this way17首 thefamemonster的22首 artpop15首
It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M  不管你是爱上了他  还是含蓄地说你爱上了他  Just put your paws up  我只要你把你的爪子挥舞起来  ’cause you were Born This Way, Baby  宝贝 因为我们生来如此  VERSE:  My mama told me when I was young  当我还年轻时 我的妈妈曾告诉我  We are all born superstars  我们都是天生的巨星  She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on  在她梳妆台的镜子前  In the glass of her boudoir  她卷起了我的头发 并给我抹上了口红  “There’s nothing wrong with lovin’ who you are”  ”爱上你自己并没有什么错”  She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe”  她告诉我  ”我的孩子啊, 上帝造物, 天生完美”  “So hold your head up girl and you’ll go far,  ”所以要把头昂起来, 去踏遍千山万水”  Listen to me when I say”  ”你要记住我的这句话”  CHORUS:  I’m beautiful in my way  我有我独特的美  ‘Cause God makes no mistakes  因为上帝之手没有瑕疵  I’m on the right track baby  我正前进于正轨 宝贝  I was Born This Way  我天生如此  Don’t hide yourself in regret  不要把自己封锁在懊悔之中  Just love yourself and you’re set  你要学会爱上自己 你就是最棒的  I’m on the right track baby  我正大步前进于光明之路 宝贝  I was Born This Way  我天生如此  POST-CHORUS:  Ooo there ain’t no other way  哦 请不要轻易绝望  Baby I was born this way  宝贝 我天生如此  Baby I was born this way  宝贝 我天生如此  Ooo there ain’t no other way  请不要轻易绝望  Baby I was born-  宝贝 我天生如此  I’m on the right track baby  我正大步行进于光明之路  I was born this way  我天生如此  Don’t be a drag – just be a queen  不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者  Don’t be a drag – just be a queen  不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者  Don’t be a drag – just be a queen  不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者  Don’t be!  我们不要失败!  VERSE  Give yourself prudence  让我们精明处世  And love your friends  珍爱你的友人  Subway kid, rejoice your truth  为真我而欢庆  In the religion of the insecure  带着警惕的信条  I must be myself, respect my youth  我必须做自己  尊重自己的青春  A different lover is not a sin  有一个与众不同的爱人并不是罪孽  Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)  你要相信相信他  I love my life I love this record and  我爱我的生活 我爱这首歌  Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith)  爱情需要坚定的信念  REPEAT CHORUS + POST-CHORUS  BRIDGE:  Don’t be a drag, just be a queen  不要成为累赘 做就做个王者  Whether you’re broke or evergreen  不管你是身无分文还是一路顺风  You’re black, white, beige, chola descent  不管你是黑人 白人 黄种人 还是chola血统  You’re Lebanese, you’re Orient  也不管你是黎巴嫩的还是远东国家的  Whether life’s disabilities  不管你是否残疾  Left you outcast, bullied, or teased  抛开那些排挤, 凌辱 与嘲笑  Rejoice and love yourself today  今天 让我们为爱上真我而狂欢  ‘Cause baby you were born this way  宝贝 我们天生如此  No matter gay, straight, or bi,  无所谓你是男同性恋 异性恋 还是双性恋  Lesbian, transgendered life  不管是女同性恋还是变性人  I’m on the right track baby  我们都可以走自己的路  I was born to survive  我们生来就有权利走下去  No matter black, white or beige  不管是黑人 白人 还是黄种人  Chola or orient made  不管南美人 还是亚洲人  I’m on the right track baby  我们都有权利走自己的路  I was born to be brave  我们生来被上帝赐予了勇气  REPEAT CHORUS  OUTRO/REFRAIN:  I was born this way hey!  嘿 怪兽们 我生来如此  I was born this way hey!  我生来如此  I’m on the right track baby  我正走在光明之路上  I was born this way hey!  嘿 记住 我们生来如此

lady gaga 这首歌叫什么 谢谢了
[ar:lady gaga]
[al:pure songs]
lady gaga – speechless

i can’t belive what you said to me
last night when we were alone
you threw your hands up
baby you gave up, you gave up

i can’t believe how you looked at me
with your james dean glossy eyes
in your tight jeans with your long hair
and your cigarette stained lies

could we fix you if you broke?
and is your punch line just a joke?

i’ll never talk again
oh boy you’ve left me speechless
you’ve left me speechless, so speechless
i’ll never talk again
oh boy you’ve left me speechless
you’ve left me speechless, so speechless

i can’t believe how you slurred at me
with your half wired broken jaw
you popped my heart seams
on my bubble dreams, bubble dreams

i can’t believe how you looked at me
with your johnnie walker eyes
he’s gonna get you and after he’s through
there’s gonna be no love left to rye

and i know that it’s complicated
but i’m a loser in love
so baby raise a glass to mend
all the broken hearts
of all my wrecked up friends

i’ll never talk again
oh boy you’ve left me speechless
you’ve left me speechless so speechless
i’ll never love again,
oh friend you’ve left me speechless
you’ve left me speechless, so speechless



and after all the drinks and bars that we’ve been to
would you give it all up?
could i give it all up for you?

and after all the boys and girls that we’ve been through
would you give it all up?
could you give it all up?
if i promise to you boy

that i’ll never talk again
and i’ll never love again
i’ll never write a song
won’t even sing along

i’ll never love again
so speechless
you left me speechless, so speechless
will you ever talk again?
oh boy, why you so speechless?
you’ve left me speechless so speechless

some men may follow me
but you choose “death and company”
why you so speechless? oh oh oh



Lady Gaga
Born This Way


It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
’cause you were Born This Way, Baby

My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir

“There’s nothing wrong with lovin’ who you are”
She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe”

“So hold your head up girl and you’ll go far,
Listen to me when I say”

I’m beautiful in my way
‘Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track baby
I was Born This Way

Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track baby
I was Born This Way

Ooo there ain’t no other way
Baby I was born this way
Baby I was born this way
Ooo there ain’t no other way
Baby I was born-
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way
Don’t be a drag – just be a queen
Don’t be a drag – just be a queen
Don’t be a drag – just be a queen
Don’t be!

Give yourself prudence
And love your friends
Subway kid, rejoice your truth

In the religion of the insecure
I must be myself, respect my youth
A different lover is not a sin
Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)
相信上帝吧,hey hey hey
I love my life I love this record and
Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith)

LADY GAGA的《marry the night》MV的前奏说的话的意思

LADY GAGA的《marry the night》MV的前奏说的话的意思是什么??thank you~~
When I look back on my life, 回顾自己这一生, it’s not that I don’t want to see things exactly as they happened 我并非是要自欺欺人的忽略现实, it’s just that I prefer to remember them in an artistic way 我只是希望,将万物以艺术的形式储存于脑海 And truthfully, the lie of it all is much more honest, 而老实说,谎言往往更真实 because I invented it. 因为谎言是我亲手制造的 Clinical psychology tells us, arguably, 临床心理学告诉我们一个无可争辩的事实: that trauma is the ultimate killer. 精神的创伤是终极的杀手。 Memories are not recycled like atoms and particles in quantum physics. 记忆不会像量子力学中的原子和粒子那样往复循环 They can be lost forever. 记忆会被永恒的遗忘。 It’s sort of like my past is an unfinished painting, 我的过去,就如同一幅半成品画作, nd as the artist of that painting, 而作为这幅画的作者 I must fill in all the ugly holes and make it beautiful again. 我必须填 满那些丑陋的空缺,让我的画重焕光彩。 It’s not that I’ve been dishonest 不是我不诚实 it’s just that I loathe reality 我只不过是厌恶真相。 For example, those nurses? 比如说那些护士吧 They’re wearing next-season Calvin Klein 他们穿着下一季的CK and so am I. 我也是 And the shoes? Custom Giuseppe Zanotti. 他们的鞋子,是定制的Giuseppe Zanotti I tipped their gauze caps to the side 我把她们的护士帽斜戴在了一边, like Parisian berets 就像巴黎的贝雷帽。 because I think it’s romantic, 因为我觉得这样看上去很浪漫。 and I also believe that mint will be very big in fashion next spring. 而且我还相信,下个春季,薄荷色会席卷时尚界。 Check out this nurse on the right. 看右边这个护士, She’s got a great ass. 好个翘臀美女 Bam. 辣! The truth is, back at the clinic, 而是事实是,之前在门诊部 they only wore those funny hats to keep the blood out of their hair. 他们戴那顶好笑的帽子,只是怕血溅到他们头发上 And that girl on the left? 而左边那个女孩, She ordered gummi bears and a knife a couple hours ago. 几小时前预定了一些小熊软糖和一把刀。 They only gave her the gummi bears. 但送来的只有糖果。 I’d wish they’d only given me the gummi bears. 真希望他们把小熊软糖给我

Lady GaGa《Burnthisway》的英文全歌词拜托各位大神

It doesn’t matter if you love him 不管你是爱上了他 Or capital H-I-M 还是那个内心强大的自己 Just put your paws up 我只要你把你的爪子挥舞起来 ‘Cause you were Born This Way, baby 宝贝 因为我们生来如此 My mama told me when i was young 当我还年轻时我的妈妈曾告诉我 We are all born superstars 我们都是天生的巨星 She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on 她卷起了我的头发 并给我抹上了口红 In the glass of her boudoir 在她梳妆台的镜子前 “There’s nothing wrong with lovin’ who you are” “爱上你自己并没有什么错” She said,”cause he made you perfect, babe” 她说:”我的孩子啊, 上帝造物, 天生完美” “So hold your head up girl and you’ll go far “所以要把头昂起来, 去踏遍千山万水 Listen to me when i say” 你要记住我的这句话” I’m beautiful in my way 我有我独特的美 ‘Cause god makes no mistakes 因为上帝之手没有瑕疵 I’m on the right track baby 我正前进于正轨 宝贝 I was Born This Way 我生来如此 Don’t hide yourself in regret 不要把自己封锁在懊悔之中 Just love yourself and you’re set 你要学会爱上自己 你就是最棒的 I’m on the right track baby 我正大步前进于光明之路 宝贝 I was Born This Way 我生来如此 截图 ooo There ain’t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝我生来如此 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝我生来如此 ooo There ain’t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝我生来如此 Right track 光明之路 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝我生来如此 Don’t be a drag just be a queen 不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者 Don’t be a drag just be a queen 不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者 Don’t be a drag just be a queen 不要成为累赘 我们要成为王者 Don’t be! 绝不 Give yourself prudence 让我们精明处世 And love your friends 珍爱你的友人 Subway kid, rejoice your truth 为真我而欢庆 In the religion of the insecure 带着警惕的信条 I Must be myself, respect my youth 我必须做自己,尊重自己的青春 A different lover is not a sin 有一个与众不同的爱人并不是罪孽 Believe capital h-i-m (hey hey hey) 你要相信你内心那种强大的力量 I love my life i love this record and 我爱我的生活 我爱这首歌 Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith) 爱情需要坚定的信念 I’m beautiful in my way 我有我独特的美 ‘Cause god makes no mistakes 因为上帝之手没有瑕疵 I’m on the right track baby 我正前进于正轨 宝贝 I was Born This Way 我生来如此 Don’t hide yourself in regret 不要把自己封锁在懊悔之中 Just love yourself and you’re set 你要学会爱上自己 你就是最棒的 I’m on the right track baby 我正大步前进于光明之路 宝贝 I was Born This Way 我生来如此 ooo There ain’t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝 我生来如此 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝 我生来如此 ooo There ain’t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝 我生来如此 Right track 光明之路 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝 我生来如此 Don’t be a drag, just be a queen 不要成为累赘,做就做个王者 Whether you’re broke or evergreen 不管你是身无分文还是一路顺风 You’re black, white, beige, chola descent 不管你是黑人,白人,黄种人,还是朱罗血统 You’re lebanese, you’re orient 也不管你是黎巴嫩的还是远东国民 Whether life’s disabilities 不管你是否残疾 Left you outcast, bullied, or teased 抛开那些排挤,凌辱与嘲笑 Rejoice and love yourself today 今天 让我们为爱上真我而狂欢 ‘Cause baby you were Born This Way 宝贝 我们生来如此 No matter gay, straight, or bi 无所谓你是男同性恋,异性恋,还是双性恋 Lesbian, transgendered life 不管是女同性恋还是变性人 I’m on the right track baby 我们都可以走自己的路 I was born to survive 我们生来就有权利走下去 No matter black, white or beige 不管是黑人,白人,还是黄种人 Chola or orient made 不管朱罗王朝还是东方诸国 I’m on the right track baby 我们都有权利走自己的路 I was born to be brave 我们生来被上帝赐予了勇气 I’m beautiful in my way 我有我独特的美 ‘Cause god makes no mistakes 因为上帝之手没有瑕疵 I’m on the right track baby 我正前进于正轨 宝贝 I was Born This Way 我生来如此 Don’t hide yourself in regret 不要把自己封锁在懊悔之中 Just love yourself and you’re set 你要学会爱上自己 你就是最棒的 I’m on the right track baby 我正大步前进于光明之路 宝贝 I was Born This Way 我生来如此 ooo There ain’t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝 我生来如此 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝 我生来如此 ooo There ain’t no other way 哦 请不要轻易绝望 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝 我生来如此 Right track 光明之路 Baby i was Born This Way 宝贝 我生来如此 I was Born This Way hey! 嘿 我生来如此 I was Born This Way hey! 嘿 我生来如此 I’m on the right track baby 我正走在光明之路上 I was Born This Way hey! 嘿 我们生来如此 I was Born This Way hey! 嘿 我生来如此 I was Born This Way hey! 嘿 我生来如此 I’m on the right track baby 我正走在光明之路上 I was Born This Way hey! 嘿 我们生来如此 Same D.N.A 同样的基因 But born this way 但我生来如此 Same D.N.A 同样的基因 But born this way 但我生来如此


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